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social science


     Facing the problems that exist in universities in penyelenggraan Tri Dharma, and to meet the demands of society and the state then held a general education programs.
The purpose of public education in college are: 1. Helping students mengembnagkan his personality for a role in society and the nation and religion. 2. Students develop a sense of sensitivity to deal with problems - problems and social problimatika arising in today's society. 3. Facilitate students in thinking and knowledge base so that they are able to understand various science experts so that they can communicate with these pengtahuan science experts.
Thus, unlike general education skills education that aims to develop its expertise in the field of discipline only, but will focus on public education effort to develop student's own personality in order to practice his Tri Dharma.
Name - the name of the course "personality development" • Religion • Ideology Pancasila state or • civics • Cultural Studies Association • Elementary Social Studies • Alamia Science Association Among MKPK own objectives are: 1. For their spirit of Pancasila so that all its decisions and actions reflect the values - values of Pancasila and mamiliki intregasi high personality 2. Devoted to God Almighty, behave and act according to the Shari'a and religious teachings have tengang feeling toward other faiths. 3. It has a broad cultural insights about life bermasyarkat

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New jacket

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      Al-Farabi tried to combine several schools of philosophy (al-philosophy, at-taufiqiyah or container al-philosophy) that developed earlier, he took a lot of thought plato, Aristotle, and Plotinus, as well as between religion and philosophy. Al-Farabi was known as a philosopher who believed in the unity filsafat.1 syncretism
      In thinking ogika science and physics, al-farabii influenced by Aristotle. And the moral and political issues of al-Farabi influenced plateau. While the science of metaphysics, he was influenced by Plotinus. Al-Farabi batini approach he uses when encountered opposition ta'wil mind. According to him, Greek philosophy does not contradict the essence of the teachings of Islam. This is al-Farabi does not mean glorifying philosophy of religion. He recognizes that the teachings of Islam is absolutely true. The problem here divinity of al-Farabi uses Aristotle and neoplatonism, namely al-al-awwal entities as the first cause for everything that exists. Since God is One, in the Qur'an Surat al-hearted paragraph 1 which reads: "Qulhuwallahu Sunday" which means: let's say, "He is Allah, the Almighty". In proving the existence of God al-Farabi al-obligatory arguments put forward al-existent. And maybe al-existent according to al-Farabi, everything in this world there are only 2 possibilities and no alternative ketiga.2 Mandatory al form is its form should not be there, there by itself and its form are the same and one. He is the perfect shape forever and not preceded by nothing. And if this form there is no impossibility to him, it will arise and this is a disbut with the oneness of God as in surah Al-Ikhlas above. Sedagkan mumkin al-form is something similar between the tangible and the least. Mumkin al-existence will not turn into an actual form without any form of strengthening and reinforcing it was not him but the ajibul form.     About the nature of God here al-Farabi in line with the understanding Mu'tazilite, namely the nature of God is no different with the substance. As for God thought he was in line with the thinking of Aristotle, that God does not know and think about nature. Here the thought of al-Farabi was developed, by saying that God does not know who juz'iyyah. That is, knowledge of the Lord of the details are not the same as human knowledge. As for the natural creation, al-Farabi follow the path of neoplatonism-monistic. And he regards as the assumption of Aristotle, that God is not a natural pencita but as a first mover. But I do not agree with the opinion of al-Farabi's because I have learned that Allah SWT had kholikun kulli syai'in Allahu wa Huwa ala kulli syai'n Qadir, which means God is the creator of all things and God is able to do everything. And in my opinion, God is the creator who creates out of nothing into existence (al-ijaddu minal adamiy). Thought of al-Farabi other is about politics as outlined in the two works of al-siyasah al-madaniyah and ara 'al-madina al-Fadilah. In the book of the al-Farabi influenced by plato concept of equating the state with the human body, a head, hands, feet and other body members each having a specific function. Here I agree with al-Farabi and the concept of plateau. Because of the head was (brain) all human actions are controlled. As for mengedalikan brain works, performed by the liver. Similarly, in a country. Because of his leadership in the state or ruler, together with his subordinates as well as heart and organs other lower, respectively. Here is required ruler of the intellectual, while in the human body really needs a clear mind and intelligent in performing actions in everyday actions.

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Trail kren

trail good

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Ne yg ckeeeeep

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Please select one of the most important in all
your life.
While heading the hours of rest classes, lectures
told the students and mahasiswinya:
"Let's make a game, please help me for a while."
Then one student walked into the courtyard
board. LECTURER: Please write down 20 names closest to you,
on the board.
In a moment everything has been written by college student
them. There was a neighbor, a friend of his office, people
Dear and others.
LECTURER: Now please cross one name among the
do you think the least important!
Student was then crossed out one name, the name of his neighbor.
LECTURER: Please cross one another!
Then one student had crossed out the name of his office friends
again. LECTURER: Please cross one another!
College student again was crossed out one name from the board and
onwards. Until finally on the board left only three
name, the name of her parents, her husband and her son's name.
In the classroom suddenly felt so lonely without a vote, all Students and student focused looked toward faculty,
in their minds (the student or the student) thinks have completed no more to be chosen by the student it. Suddenly the professor broke the silence by saying, "Please cross one more!" With the student slowly making a choice
a very, very difficult. He then took the chalk, cross out the name of his parents. LECTURER: Please cross one another!
His heart became confused. Then he lifted lime write up high. Gradually establish and cross out name of his son. In an instant of time, the sound of sobs
tears, seemed very sad. After a quiet atmosphere, lecturer then asked, "People terkasihmu Your parents and son instead? Parents raising your children is you who give birth, being husband could be searched again. But why would you turn over choose their husbands as the most difficult to separated? All leads her classmates, waiting to see what will be answered. After a somewhat quiet, and then slowly he said,
"As time passes, parents will go and leave me, being a child if it has been great after that married can leave me too, which could actually
accompany me in this life is my husband. "

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Ne bagus bro, pa lagi buat k kmpus

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Modif trail

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Hair styles

Hair styles

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Rambut bagus

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shoes good

 mau keren kemana - mana pakai sepatuini biar keren

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jersey milan baru fersi haji malik

Milan fersi haji malik

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 Baygron kartu ucapan


kartu ucapan dengan baygon sperti ini


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    Sufi tariqa and never have a very large role in the Islamic world. Sufism and tariqa is very influential in terms of doctrinal camps, especially in terms of blocking and preventing movements Christianization of the world. Due to encegah Christianizing movements can not succeed except by uniting and coordinating the world'sMuslims. This can be done through orders-orders. In Indonesia alone tariqa role in preventing and crush themovement through the congregation and removed Christianizing Islamic boarding schools that exist, through the congregations and schools inilsh unity of Islam will become stronger. HRGibb also said in "An Interpretation of Islamic History", that after the capture of the Caliph by the Mongols in 1258 H, the duty topreserve the unity of Islamic society move into the hands of the Sufis. The role of experts in the political arenain orders during the reign of Ottoman Turkish I (1299-1326 AD) is quite large, as well as in Sudan, NorthAfrica and central Africa, Tunisia, and including in Indonesia. Experts past congregations play an important role in the fight against invaders. In the process of Islamization in Indonesia, some are business Sufis. Congregations also meet the spiritual needs of the modern era like this

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Etymologically, Sufism originated from the Arabic: 1. Ahl as Suffah which means people who live on the porch of the mosque. 2. Shofa which means people who purified. 3. Shuff which means wool. While defining the terminology of the Sufi mysticism in accordance with their inner experiences own experience. And because of its dominant expression of this inner, then into the diversity of existing definitions. Making it difficult to put forward a comprehensive definition. From the definition of the descendant. Noer Iskandar define Sufism is pure consciousness (fitroh) that directs the soul right to the charity in order to draw closer to God as closely as possible. Ibn Khaldun said, "Sufism is a kind of science shari'ah arising later in the religion. Originally the worship persevere and break other than God, only to God alone. In bertasawuf there are three important things that must diperatikan, the shari'ah, terekat, and nature. Shari'a is the law of Allah conveyed through revelation. The Order is the implementation of regulations and laws Allh. The essence is to explore the explicit and implicit in the shari'ah.

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dream of white hair means it will be to good luck and longevity
dreams of red hair will have an uneasy feeling 

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     According to its etymological belief is a belief or a belief or faith as well, because aqidah by means of something that is binding and his own feelings and faith must be maintained until the end of his life who believe that because oramg who believe it should berkeimanan that mantab without the slightest hesitation. Aqidah something that must be believed with mantab without the slightest hesitation. In Islam itself aqeedah is like Faith, as I have learned as the father of his own faculty that aqidah also like faith.
            If we talk about Aqidah mean we are talking also about the pillars of faith in the form:
1. Faith in Allah 2. Faith in the apostles-apostles 3. Faith in the final days 4. Faith in the qodho'dan qodhar And described in al-quran surat al-baqoroh verse: 285 of faith 4 above.
        Sharia a discipline which deals with the legal determination that is made directly by Allah and His Prophet in the Qur'an and Sunnah, and its provision is eternal and can not be changed sediktpun and can not change it other than Allah alone. While the Islamic disyariatkata own meaning out of the street drinking place. whereas it used for legal means Everything that is prescribed for God to his servants. And Shari'a is directly descended from the teachings of Allah, sharia also included with aspects of aqidah, morals and amalia.

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education islam

    Education, mengandug theoretical understanding, Äúmemberi eat, Äù to the soul so that students get spiritual satisfaction, is also often interpreted as, Äúmenumbuhkan, Äù basic human capabilities. If you want to be directed to the appropriate growth of Islamic teachings, it must have to proceed through the educational system of Islam, either through the system as well as curricular kelenbagaan.
     Islamic education is an adult business consciously pious Muslim who guide and direct the growth and development of nature (basic skills) students through the teachings of Islam to the point of maximum growth     and deveploment.
      The essence rather than the dynamic potential of every human being lies in the faith / beliefs, science, morality (morality) and pengamalannya. And fourth is to be an essential functional purpose of Islamic education. Fourth is the essential dynamic potential becomes the center of the circle of Islamic education process until the achievement of the ultimate goal of education, human adult believers / Muslims, Mohsen and munclisin Muttaqin.
        Some things to consider in the implementation of Islamic education:
  1. Goals of Islamic Education
In line with the mission slam religion which aims to provide a mercy to all beings in this universe, then the Islamic education mengidentifikasiakan target extracted from the source of the teachings of Al qur, Äôan, which includes four human functions.         a. Awaken people individually at the position and function in the midst of other beings, and about the responsibilities of his life.         b. Meyadarkan human function in relation to society, and he replied tangggung against the public order.         c. Awaken people to the Creator of nature and encourage them to worship Him.         d. Awaken people about their position against other creatures and bring it to mememahami wisdom God created other beings, and gives the possibility to people to take benefits.

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     Since people want progress in life, since it arose the idea to do the transfer, preservation and development of culture through education. So that in the history of community growth, education is always a major concern in the context of advancing the lives generation after generation with the demands of the society progress.
Education in Indonesia, especially Islamic education, has been going on since the entry of Islam into Indonesia. According to historical records the entry of Islam into Indonesia with a peace unlike in other regions aerah arrival of Islam passed through the path of war, such as, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt and some other areas. The role of very large merchants and mubaligh once its share in the process of Islamization in Indonesia. One path was the Islamization of education.
      The essence of education is to form a human being towards the aspired. Thus, Islamic education adalam processes of human development that aspired towards Islam. There are also some other opinions about the nature of such Islamic education, Islamic education is a business that is adult Muslim who consciously ertaqwa lead and guide the growth and development of nature (basic skills) students through the teachings of Islam to the point of maximum growth and development. Of the two terms above have in common, namely that Islamic education has the objective to direct, guide the man into a better direction in accordance with the teachings of Islam.
   Humans are creatures who pailig perfect, it has been described by Allah in (Sura 95:4-6): "Verily We created man in his best form. Then We reduced him to places as low (hell), except those who believe and do good works, so for them the reward of endless ". From here can be taken a conclusion that Muslims really need to preserve what God has given him. One of them is by creating Insan Kamil (perfect man), ssempurna in ruqyah, science and other good things.
     Being a perfect man (perfect man) is the jargon as well as the ideals of every Muslim. Therefore, every Muslim must memiiki adequate qualifications to realize these ideals. One way that is, Muslims need to create education that can guide the generations of people toward the people who kamil. Peraanan Islamic education is very influential in creating the perfect human being, because through pendidikanlah someone will gain insight toward human nature as being perfect.

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Aqidah Aqidah derived from the Arabic [عقيدة] jama'nya [عقاعد] arttinya: trust or confidence, was according to Louis Ma'luf is [ما عقد عليه القلب والضمير] which means something that binds the hearts and feelings. Can be known according to the etymology of the above can be known meaning. Aqeedah itself is belief and faith, and it was termed by Aqidah because it binds to one believed to be the heart and diimaninya and such commitments should not be released during his life, which is the origin of the word [عقد - يعقد - عقدا] denotes the bond. According to Mahmud Saltut is something that from the theoretical side must first believed, and believed firmly in the belief that without any doubt. And there's that define Aqeedah is the Prophet's call the first time and asked to trust the man or woman is she who believed we would surely turn in a good life and we give a reward according to what they are doing the same in the first level appeal each of the Prophet that Allah sent to mankind in the past. Aqidah Al-qur'an mentioned as "ا يما ن" while according to shariah by the term "عمل الصا لح" means good deed, and the arguments that show linkage to keduaya lots include a letter of Al-Kahf verses 107-108, An-Nahl verses 16-97, which means: "Who is doing good deeds of men with the best." According to Ahmad daudi all pious deeds like: shlat fasting zakat hajj and others is not a pillar of faith but as the perfection of faith, if faith is not followed by the pious deeds not faith sempurnah, this implies that believers are not doing an obligation religion and abandon its ban, it is not out of faith in the sense of a pagan but he menjdi believers who fasiq [sinful]. I think that itself is the first foundation of Aqidah or roots in Islamic religion and would not arise unless the name of sharia in advance of Aqidah.
Islam places a creed [recognition] as the address of [sign] that one has the Islamic Aqeedah, acknowledged that the Oneness of Allah and his messenger Muhammad is the key to enter the world of Islam.
Aqidah etymologically the other is the bond, hook, technically means trust, confidence, faith. The discussion of Aqidah generally range in arkanul faith [the six pillars of faith] is: 1. Faith in God Almighty 2. Faith in His Angels 3. Faith in His Books 4. Faith in His Messengers 5. Faith in the Last Day and 6. Faith in Qodho 'and Qodhar.
Aqidah according to my own something that is absolute trust. And according to the terms of trust in what the Prophet under and taught from the simple religion of Islam such as prayer, zakat, fasting, and many others. And also Aqidah is living faith, ie faith in the sense that is typical pengikraran which depart from the heart. Aqidah held by the public must not only limited to the group and in part just because it is a joint Aqidah Religion. With trust Aqidah then that person said that he Mu'min.
It is the principal Aqidah Aqidah of all religions come from God, affirmed that if a religion is not based on Aqidah is said to be a false religion [not true] and not have value. Islam vehemently denied those who are against God and do not recognize as the Creator and the Qur'an itself denies unbelievers and do not believe in the principal teachings of Islam. Sharia comes from the Arabic word [شرع - يشرع - شرعا شريعة و] that means [ما شرعه الله من الاحكام و السنن] Islamic shariah laws or regulations of Islamic law. And from the point of linguistic meaning of the word Shariah means the path where the water for drinking ". Then the Arabs used the word connotation to go right, and when used the word law into" Everything that is prescribed for Allah to his slaves as a straight road to obtain happiness in the world and the hereafter ".
The term sharia Islamic law in the context of the study further illustrates a collection of legal norms that are the result of the process "Tasyri" said tasri is masdar of sarra'ah word which means to apply and create the Shari'ah. Is in accordance ulama 'of Islam "enact legal norms to organize human life both in relation to God, or by connecting with other Muslims. The scholars 'tasri divide' into two parts: 1. Tasyri 'Samawi Tasyri 'divine is tasyri' which instantly made her the legal determination of God and His Prophet in the Qur'an and As-Sunnah. Such provision is eternal and unchanging and there is no competent to change it other than God himself. 2. Tasyri 'Wadh'i While Tasyri 'Wadh'i legal determination is made whether the mujtahhid mustabiq mujtahid or mustabith, because the results of their study requirements can not be immortalized as masi is subject to change. Along with the times.
Another opinion about the Shari'ah is as a direct teachings of God with the laws and the results of human thinking and Shariah identify with religion. According to Faruq Nabhan that shariah would include aspects of aqidah, morals, and amalia. And the opinion of Muhammad shaltout provide a clear understanding him to mean that it is Shariah provisions set by Allah or the understanding of the basic requirement, to hold onto the good of mankind in his relationship with God, with nature, as well as with managing the relations of this nature. I think the shariah is not related to aspects of sharia should grow aqidah while above precepts. And disciplines that address specific shari'ah is the science of fiqh. His knowledge of fiqh discussion include: thoharoh, prayer, zakat, soum, the Hajj, mandatory criminal law, constitutional law, international law was all there in the science of fiqh. Shariah Islamiyah on the outline is divided into 2 parts: 1. Qo'idah worship: in the special meaning qo'idah ubudiyyah namely: governance divine rules that govern relationships between slaves directly ritual with his god and his discussion include: thoharo, prayer, zakat, soum, pilgrim. 2. Qo'idah Muamalah in the broad sense of the divine rules of SASL man's relationship to its object and discussion include: mu'amalah, munakaha, waratsa, jinayah, Caliphate, Jihad.

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